January 30, 2009
On Wednesday, January 28, 2009, 244 members of the Democratic Party, the party of Jefferson, voted to impose upon this nation the largest transforming expenditure in the history of mankind under the cloak of job creation. With interest this bill exceeds $1.0 trillion under the guise of stimulus.
Six of the 13 representative from Georgia also voted for The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009, H.R.1.
John Barrow, Democrat 12th District
Sanford Bishop, Democrat 2nd District
Henry Johnson, Democrat 4th District
John Lewis, Democrat 5th District
Jim Marshall, Democrat 8th District
David Scott, Democrat 13th District
It increases fiscal spending by 30% (current $3.2 trillion) on a wish list of Socialist spending inconceivable by anyone six months ago. This bill has nothing to do with job creation. Not a single aspect of this stimulus will create jobs; in fact it will destroy jobs. These Socialist Democrats, morphed from Jefferson's party, don't care about jobs or one single citizen of Georgia or the nation. They crave power and they want to confiscate your wealth through taxes. They intend to destroy entire industries and put into serfdom the people of this great nation.
For the first time in our nations history a group of Socialist politicians will impose their will upon this nation and mire its citizens in the misery of social welfare and lost dreams. They will spend- and-spend for bureaucratic palaces in Washington DC, pay-offs to their constituents, and padding the pockets of their corrupt cronies.
We will over come this, but it will take generations. We will be injured, but we will survive. We will vote these Socialists out of office and take back our government for the people. It will once again be “… a wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned.”
- Thomas Jefferson, March 04, 1801, First Inaugural Address
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