Ugh … I need an aspirin
Lib speak demystified
Ever hear the term Lib-speak? Do you get a headache listening to Libs talk? I'll tell you why.
Lib-speak gives you the headache for four basic reasons. First, and most annoyingly, Libs say things that are exactly opposite from the truth and they talk so damn fast. You must always think exactly opposite to understand whether they speak the truth and ask them to repeat themselves over and over. Secondly, Libs talk excessively about absolutely nothing and go on endlessly about useless esoteric nonsense. Thirdly, Libs use exactly the wrong words for what they're trying to express. That makes it very confusing and I'll point out some examples later in this paper. Fourth, Libs lie constantly. Its genetic. They can't help it. They perpetrate lies, they invent stuff, they fix into our American Experience lies.
In this paper we're going to demystify Lib-speak so you are better armed to debate the slovenly morbid Lib. There is a historic component to this argument, as well as, several observed components. Pay particular attention to the warnings offered in the paper to protect yourself from the hazards of Lib-speak and your emotional health.
Warning: Never talk with a Lib that is drinking.
The biggest lie in Lib-speak is this notion that Republicans/Conservatives are racist pigs. This is the biggest Lib-speak lie perpetrated in American political history. The fact is Republicans/ Conservatives stand for individual freedoms and were the first to stand-up to slavery, segregation, and violence against blacks in America. In the Part 1 URL attached the historical facts are outlined to demystify Lib-speak on this subject. Part 2 URL is the current assessment of Presidents from FDR until now. More Parts will be included as I complete them. Right now I'm working on a comparison and contrast of Ronald Reagan's first inaugural address to Abraham Lincoln Obama's. All other Parts are observed behavior and examples of Lib-speak.
Part 1: The Historical Component
Part 2: Lib Presidential Assessment
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