The Obama Presence

The Obama Presence
Hot air and the smell of fresh crap


Section N, Site 326 ...

January 17, 2009

Golden Gate National Cemetery is the resting place of James B. Poulet, Captain, USAF.

Born June 11, 1956/Died September 30, 1990

He was my friend and I affectionately called him “Chicken Man”. We flew together in two fighter squadrons - 3d Tactical Fighter Squadron, Clark AFB, Philippines and 23d Fighter Squadron, Spangdahlem AB, Germany. On September 30, 1990 this fight with Political Islam became very personal. “Chicken Man” was killed at the age of 34 in preparation for Gulf War #1 in a F-15E crash. He was defending the very notion of liberty for me, my family, our nation and future generations. He was defending liberty against Political Islam. In its essence Political Islam is the adversary of personal freedom. It oppresses, murders, subjugates women, all in the name of religion. This is exactly why our Founding Fathers separated church and state.

Flashback New Years Eve 1977 - Newly elected President James Earl Carter dines with the Shah of Iran Mohammed Reza Pahlivi in Tehran. This trip infuriates the Islamic Revolutionaries of Iran; especially those who sought to overthrow his secular regime that recognized Israel and was very pro western. All through 1978 Carter insisted the Shah release 350 political prisoners (Islamic Fundamentalists); the very people that seized the American Embassy in Tehran on November 4, 1979. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the current President of Iran is one of those Islamic Revolutionaries.

Flashback November 4, 1978 - Zbigniew Brzeznski, National Security Adviser called the Shah and told him the American President would "back him to the hilt". Brzezinski begged Carter to allow the Shah to suppress the Islamic revolt forcefully, but he made no decision. The Grand Ayatollah Khomeini came to power in July 1979 and unleashed upon this world Political Islam the most vile and filthy ideology that exists on this earth. Ayatollah Khomeini murdered 3,000 communist political prisoners deemed "godless", murdered by firing squad 20,000 pro Western Iranians and forced women back into servitude. This is the face of Political Islam.

All through the 1980's the soldiers of Political Islam bombed marine barracks, kidnapped, murdered, hijacked and butchered their way through the Middle East.

Flashback to August 02, 1990 – Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait with 100,000 troops, butchering the residents, raping Kuwaiti women and looting the city. It was nothing more than a giant liquor store robbery, but with 700 tanks. He wanted the oil and money in Kuwait and intended to subjugate the people. Saddam Hussein was a very bad person and a poster child of Political Islam. President George H. Bush went to war defending liberty (Operation Desert Storm) opposing Political Islam and it proved to be one of the greatest military coalitions and successes in United States history. We won the first war against Political Islam and liberated millions from its tyranny.

Between 1991 and 2001 the soldiers of Political Islam blew up embassies, ships, synagogues, mosques, ancient statues, and butchered thousands.

Flashback to September 11, 2001 – The attacks in New York City and Washington DC by the soldiers of Political Islam led to Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. Both of these wars will go down as the greatest military achievements in United States history. The United States liberated 50 million people being oppressed by Political Islam. Political Islam murders women for uncovering their face, young girls are raped and sexually mutilated, people are hanged and enslaved.

Political Islam legalizes slavery (Sudan) and raises money to finance armies and build technologies to kill and enslave the world. President George W. Bush destroyed two Political Islam establishments; 1) Saddam's Iraq and 2) a Taliban Afghanistan.

A free and emerging Democratic Iraq and Afghanistan is a stroke of genius strategically. Iran is the heart of this filthy ideology. Yet, now Iran is isolated and surrounded. Its soldiers are being defeated all over the Middle East and the world. When Operation Iraqi Freedom started there were 12,000 Al-Qaeda, Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade (many more but I might get carpel tunnel typing them all.) fighters. Now there are less than 1,000 clinging to their ideology in Mosul. They'll be dead or arrested by June.

Flashforward to January 20, 2009 – The newly elected President Obama said (December 08, 2008) that he is going to give a speech, restoring our image around the Muslim world, in some capital of the Middle East. Where? Eygpt? Women are forbidden to drive in Eygpt. Tunisia? Women are decapitated for being in public without a veil. Syria? Smuggling routes dot the landscape shipping arms to kill our soldiers and Israelis. Palestinian Territory? Prime Minister Abbas begged Israel to launch the attacks in Gaza against Hamas. Sudan? Slavery is legal in Sudan. Tehran? Girls are forced to marry at the age of nine. Islamabad? He said numerous times he supported attacking Pakistan.

There is no major capital in the Middle East where he can legitimately give that speech except Baghdad or Kabul. Still, what is he going to say? “I support the freedom and liberation of all Iraqis and Afghanis.” How? He vilified the Bush administration for doing exactly that … Liberating.

Obama has no idea what he is doing. He has no idea how to fight Political Islam. He has no idea what to do about Political Islam. He better come up the learning curve quickly or there will be many more grave sites in Section N, next to Site 326 at Golden Gate National Cemetery. "Chicken Man" thank you.

"Political Islam is the adversary of liberation theology. It advocates submission, not emancipation.” - Samir Amin

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