The Obama Presence

The Obama Presence
Hot air and the smell of fresh crap



January 15, 2009

Yes I admit it, I am a flaming barefooter. I was born a barefooter, it's in my DNA, and I can't help myself. I live the alternative barefoot lifestyle and I am a member of the Society for Barefoot Living. ( As a child my parents forced me to wear shoes and society discriminated against me. Barefooting was in my genes, I knew it, and I was driven into the barefoot closet by shame. When I became an adult I decided to live my alternative lifestyle openly. But, anti-barefootism is laced through our society and I am constantly subjected to foot slurs by anti-barefootites. The state of affairs in this country for barefooters are getting worse with time. It makes me sick.

There are no barefooter parades, barefooter marriages, and very few establishments that a barefooter can access. Its no wonder barefooters gather in secret bars, near beaches, and live in the shadows. Life sucks when you're a barefooter in the United States.

Silly isn't it. Silly and very scary. There are no federal laws against going barefoot in the United States. There are no state laws. There may be local Health Department laws, but for the most part it is the owner of the establishment which sets his rules. Federal Law under the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OHSA) regulates employees not customers. And, OSHA only requires footwear in certain circumstances and it is required to meet ANZI standards. What does ANZI mean? Very expensive footwear.

Regulating footwear in business is just as silly as regulating footwear in our personal lives. It hurts American competitiveness by driving up costs. It is not the business of The Federal Government to dictate how the worker and employer form a working relationship. If a prospective worker wants a job in a steel mill then he will provide for his proper footwear. Or, a steel mill owner will provide proper footwear if he wants this worker to join his company. If the Federal Government imposes expensive regulations on business, they will not create jobs. Its too expensive to comply.

This is an extreme example, but it highlights the problem with Obama's twisted idea of government's role in our lives. Obama indicates he wants to add 600,000 new government workers to an already 2,000,000 strong bloated government. What will these 600,000 new people be doing? They will be regulating all of us. These are bureaucrats specifically targeted to run your life, your company, and to tax you in one form or another. Jobs will be destroyed, your personal freedoms eroded, and your wealth confiscated. You need to write your legislative representative and oppose Obama's $1.0 trillion stimulus plan. Otherwise you may be forced to go barefoot yourself.

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