The Obama Presence

The Obama Presence
Hot air and the smell of fresh crap


Obama's Directive 10-289
February 02, 2009

It's for the Public Good

This is just a rough draft of Directive Number 10-289” (1) said Obama, to give you the general idea of my plan. "The time has come for universal, affordable health care in America." (2) These are the best ideas to achieve our common goals of promoting public health, to make health insurance affordable and accessible to all, and to lower health care costs. I call on government, businesses and consumers to share these costs. In the name of the general welfare of all Americans, to achieve equality and stability, The Federal Health Care Board decress that –

1. All doctors, health care providers, and associated clerical personnel of any kind shall remain at their jobs and shall not leave nor change employment, under penalty of a term in jail.

2. All hospitals, clinics, apothecaries, device manufacturers, shall remain in operation and the owners shall not quit, leave, retire, close, sell, or transfer their businesses under penalty of nationalization of their businesses and property.

3. All patents and copyrights, for any medical devices, pharmaceutical formulas, health care innovations, shall be turned over to The Federal Health Care Board to be licensed for the common treatment.

4. All new devices, inventions, products, or goods of any nature, not now on the market, shall not be produced, invented, manufactured or sold after the date of this directive without approval of the Federal Health Care Board.

5. All hospitals, clinics, doctors, and nurses, engaged in the delivery of health care services shall be assigned by The Federal Health Care Board a fixed number of patients within an assigned geographic area.

6. All patients of any age, sex, class, or income shall henceforth spend the same sum of money for the insurance afforded to them by the Federal Health Care Board.

7. All wages, prices, salaries, of health care providers will be fixed by the Federal Health Care Board and re assessed on an annual basis.

8. All cases or treatments not specifically provided for shall be settled and determined by The Federal Health Care Board.

A sick feeling comes over the nation, even among those who supported the National Health Care initiative. Obama was the first to break the silence and reminded all of us that it is a practical and just plan that will benefit everyone.


Obama's plan is simple; 1. Makes it illegal for doctors and nurses to change specialties or professions to ensure an adequate supply of specialists and practitioners. 2. Forbids the closing of practices and businesses to ensure a supply of practitioners and pharmaceuticals/medical devices. 3. Confiscates all intellectual property and abolishes all patents and copyrights to ensure wide distribution of all existing innovations. 4. Prohibits research and development, as well as, innovations in an effort to control costs. 5. Prohibits the expansion or contraction of practitioners in any geographic area. 6. Enjoins everyone to spend the same amount on health care to control costs. 7. Fixes salaries of all providers to control health care costs. 8. Rations health care based on efficacy actuarial data to control costs.


National health care limits access and leads to rationing. Even Claude Castonguay the father of Canadian National Health Care admits it is a disaster (3) "We thought we could resolve the system's problems by rationing services or injecting massive amounts of new money into it. We are proposing to give a greater role to the private sector so that people can exercise freedom of choice." says Castonguay. Every nation that has gone down the path of National Health Care regrets it. But, it is so difficult to reverse course.

The United States of America is the only industrialized nation in the world without National Health Care, and that is precisely the reason why we enjoy the best health care in the world. Young people choose health care as a profession and invest enormous sums of energy, wealth, and intellect to achieve their potential. Newly minted professionals establish practices whenever and wherever they choose and they are free to pursue any specialty they desire. Entrepreneurs and public companies invest in life saving technologies, devices, and procedures. In all cases there is a profit motive. The health care professionals expend their personal energy to achieve the financial rewards that comes with their specialized training. Entrepreneurs and pubic companies invest their capital and wealth to achieve breakthrough drugs, chemotherapy, and all sorts of devices and procedures. Profits are needed to invest in new innovations. Why would anyone want to destroy all that we have created with National Health Care? National Health Care changes the ethos of our entire health care industry.

Young people will reject the profession and expend their energy and wealth pursuing other professions. The supply of practitioners will decrease resulting in long wait times to access a medical professional. This is true, at this moment, in Canada, Japan, France, and Britain. Young people will no longer pursue specialties, because the extra expense and effort makes no economic sense. Health care entrepreneurs and innovators will no longer invest in ground breaking innovations, bringing an end to life saving progress. Canada is the perfect case study.

Canada led the West in innovation of care and the first medical schools in the West were established in Quebec (1820's). Innovation, ideas, treatments, and breakthrough inventions abounded. It was a Canadian, Frederick Banting, that discovered insulin (1922) leading to a cure for Diabetes. In 1946 Canada started to slowly descend into socialized health care and since not a single breakthrough is patented. Canada has fewer practitioners at 2.2 doctors per 1,000 patients; wait times for appointments exceed four weeks for specialists, and the cost of the system represents 10.7% ($171.9B) of GDP in 2008. The soaring price tag forces the government to hold down costs by limiting prescription drugs and denying life saving care. The result is that Canadians come across the border to access health care in the United States.

On January 30, 2009 the United States Senate passed the State Children's Health Insurance Program SCHIP. SCHIP was created by the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, originally targeted to low income children. The 2009 SCHIP now includes illegal immigrants, children up to 25 years old, and adults from 55 years old an up. SCHIP 2009 moves 3,000,000 Americans from private insurance to the government dole. Why would anyone want to move 3,000,000 people covered by Private Insurance to a government program? It is a back door initiative to move this country into socialized health care.

Obama has no idea what he is doing. He is ruining the greatest health care system ever known by human kind. If your Senator or Representative voted for SCHIP 2009, you need to contact that person and tell them you will never vote for that person again.

Fight Obama, fight his socialism, do not allow this socialist ideologue destroy our nation.

Who is John Galt?

1. Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, (New American Library, New York, NY, 1957) page 497

2. Obama in a speech in Iowa City, at the University of Iowa's medical school, May 29, 2007

3. Canadian Health Care We So Envy Lies In Ruins, Its Architect Admits By David Gratzer Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ronald Reagan speaks out against Socialized Medicine

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I had not seen those quotes before. As a former RN considering reentry into the medical field, I am petrified!! I know just on principle that govt controlled healthcare is wrong, but I really had no idea the extent to which they wish to control! Thank you, great article. Keep posting!
