The Obama Presence

The Obama Presence
Hot air and the smell of fresh crap


Ranking the Georgia 9th District Candidates on Job Knowledge and Constitutionality


I do not work, nor do I endorse any candidate for the 9th Congressional District of Georgia. My research of each candidate is based on their campaign materials, speeches, website, radio ads, radio interviews, television spots, and personal interaction. I personally interviewed three candidates, attended campaign speeches and engaged them at Tea Party rallies, GOP meetings, and 912 meetings.

This is the first update [Another update will be released on July 4, 2010.] to the rankings of the field of Republican candidates for the 9th Congressional District of Georgia. Several candidates voluntarily made adjustments to their campaign platform and this captures those changes. These strong and vibrant candidates are working very hard to earn our votes and any one will be a honorable member of the United States House of Representatives on our behalf.

This analysis does not predict a winner in the May 11, 2010 Special Election for the 9th Congressional District nor the General Primary Special Election on July 20, 2010. It is only designed to rank each candidate based upon their understanding of the Job Description of a US Congressman based upon their understanding of the Constitution.

Figure 1 is an objective scoring analysis to achieve a ranking of each candidate. The higher the score the better understanding of the Job Description and Constitution. A perfect score is 15 and represents a Thomas Jefferson Conservative. A further explanation of the categories are explained below.

Health care: Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution does not empower the Federal government to interfere in a citizens health care decisions. All candidates vowed to be one vote to repeal the unconstitutional Obamacare. Still several candidates indicate they want to back reform and interfere in our health care decisions. These candidates were downgraded in both the health care and the Constitution categories. The only power granted to a US Congressman from the 9th District of Georgia, by the United States Constitution, is to be one vote to repeal the unconstitutional Obamacare.

Economy: All candidates scored the maximum in this category. It is obvious that every candidate is solid when it comes to economics. Each candidate favors lower taxes, or the fair tax, and less regulation.

Taxes: (See Economy above.)

Conservative Values (Abortion, Traditional Marriage, 2nd Amendment): All candidates are solid on life and marriage issues. Its their understanding and knowledge of the 2nd Amendment that is confusing. The United States Constitution tells the Federal government what it CAN do; the Bill of Rights (Amendments) tell the Federal government what it CAN'T do. The 2nd Amendment tells the Federal government it CAN'T infringe the right of the people to bear arms. It is a negative to the Federal government and it does not bestow upon the citizenry any right to bear arms.

Several candidates state they will protect our 2nd Amendment rights or infer that we have a right to bear arms. This is a complete lack of understanding of the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Is there no government that is authorized to restrict the right of a blind man to duck hunt or the criminally insane to carry concealed? As a US Congressman from the 9th District of Georgia the only policy the candidate can possibly guarantee is that they will never vote to repeal the 2nd Amendment.

Defense: The number one constitutional obligation of a United States Congressman from the 9th District of Georgia is to maintain a strong national defense in order to secure and protect the liberties of the people. It is one of the primary reasons the Founding Fathers formed the United States. The candidate was downgraded if they did not address Defense.

Immigration: All the candidates voluntarily updated their platforms on this issue. All are strongly opposed to amnesty and have differing thoughts on the solution to the problem. It is the constitutional responsibility of a US Congressman from the 9th District of Georgia to develop policy that fits within the expectation of their constituency.

Constitution: Five of the candidates were downgraded in this category, because they advocate an issue which is outside their job description as it applies to the United States Constitution. Generally it was health care and/or the 2nd Amendment.

States Rights: The Founding Fathers envisioned a Federal government where states are sovereign entities. Our Founders bequeathed almost unlimited powers to the states and thus empowered State Representatives, State Senators and Governor's unfettered dominion over the health and welfare of the people. The Founders purposefully limited the power of Congress and ratified the 10th Amendment to the Constitution. The candidates were downgraded if they indicated a desire to interfere in a state issue. Case in point: Lake Lanier is not a Federal government issue it is a state issue.


If you feel the Constitution reflects the best way forward to protect the Liberties of the people in the State of Georgia and to ensure a free and prosperous society, then I suggest you ask the candidate to clarify their positions. This election is so critical to this nation and most importantly to our families. We only get one vote on our behalf in Congress, let's make sure it is the right person. Thank you ...

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